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Growers Give Back Through the Porch Pantry

One of our favorite gardening memes circulating on the internet right now is, "Give a man to fish, he eats for a day. Teach a woman to garden, and the whole neighborhood gets zucchini!" Anyone familiar with gardening has probably encountered this "too much produce" problem. Well, Hope Community Garden offers a solution for gardeners looking to share extra produce with those in need!

On the west side of the church building near the entrance is an old refrigerator. This is a Utah Families Feeding Families porch pantry - a source of FREE and anonymous food aid, accessible 24-hours a day for anyone in need. The porch pantry is typically filled with non-perishable items, but we encourage gardeners with extra produce to place it in or near the porch pantry for community use. Donations of non-perishables are also appreciated. Anyone, (including our gardeners) is welcome to use the porch pantry to meet their nutritional needs. Make sure to stop by and check it out next time you are around the garden!

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